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Sales statistics of foreign-currency denominated products by life insurance industry as of the end of July 2022

The sales statistics of foreign-currency denominated products by life insurance industry as of the end of July 2022 were as follows: premium revenues from new foreign-currency denominated policies amounted to around NT$296.467 billion, down by 12% from NT$338.761 billion year-on-year. Within these figures, investment-linked insurance products accounted for NT$97.223 billion (around 33% of the total), down by 43% from NT$169.197 billion year-on-year, and the sales of traditional insurance products totaled NT$199.244 billion (around 67% of the total), up by 18% from NT$169.564 billion year-on-year.
Visitor: 899   Update: 2022-09-27