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Statutory Interpretation for the Regulations Governing Transactions Other Than Loans between Insurance Enterprises and Interested Parties

To follow the precedent of the order on the interpretation of Article 45 of the Financial Holding Company Act issued on May 21, 2018, the FSC issued the statutory interpretation on July 17, 2018. When an insurance enterprise conducts transactions other than loans with interested parties, it is not subject to the restriction of “terms of such transactions may not be more favorable than those offered to other same category counterparties” which is specified in Paragraph 1, Article 4 of Regulations Governing Transactions Other Than Loans between Insurance Enterprises and Interested Parties, if the government is a responsible person or major shareholder of the insurance enterprise, and a sole proprietorship or a partnership owned and operated by a responsible person or major shareholder of an insurance enterprise or an enterprise or an organization in which a responsible person or major shareholder of an insurance enterprise acts concurrently as its responsible person or representative because the government is a responsible person or major shareholder of the insurance enterprise.
Visitor: 1746   Update: 2018-10-02